Paraquat Lawsuit Attorney

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If you were diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease after exposure to the hazardous chemicals found in paraquat, contact Tamaki Law right now to learn about your available legal options. You might be entitled to compensation from the negligent manufacturer of the popular herbicide.

At Tamaki Law, we understand the suffering you have endured since your diagnosis. Parkinson’s disease is a nervous system disorder that interferes with the body’s movement. It can limit your physical ability to perform basic tasks, such as writing, walking, and driving. Managing your symptoms with medications and other forms of treatment can be costly. The manufacturer should be held liable for the harm it caused.

Contact Tamaki Law today to discuss whether you qualify for a mass tort case against the makers of paraquat. We can represent you in your lawsuit and seek the maximum compensation you deserve. Call (800) 801-9564 for your free consultation with one of our paraquat mass tort lawsuit attorneys.

Table Of Contents

    Common Causes of Exposure to Paraquat

    Paraquat is an herbicide used by licensed applicators, such as farmers and agricultural workers, to kill weeds and prevent future weed growth. A toxic substance found in the product could cause various medical issues if inhaled or ingested.

    Because of the toxic nature of paraquat, the United States prevents poisoning by marketing it using different safety measures, such as:

    • Strong odor
    • An added agent to the product to induce vomiting after accidental ingestion
    • Blue dye to avoid confusing it for coffee or another drink

    Poisoning can happen from exposure to paraquat in multiple ways, such as:

    • Direct skin contact
    • Accidental ingestion
    • Inhalation
    • Eating food contaminated with paraquat
    • Entering the body through an open wound
    • Consuming contaminated drinking water

    Despite the safety precautions taken to prevent exposure, poisoning could still occur. Indirect exposure can also result from living near the site of paraquat application, such as a farm. The herbicide can contaminate the air, food, and water, making nearby residents sick.

    Common Symptoms of Paraquat Exposure

    A range of issues can arise from inhaling or ingesting a toxic amount of paraquat. Immediate damage can occur from direct skin contact, such as swelling.

    The most common signs of paraquat poisoning include:

    • Nausea
    • Abdominal pain
    • Vomiting
    • Diarrhea that could contain some blood

    Exposure can wreak havoc on a person’s gastrointestinal tract. Difficulty breathing, low blood pressure, nosebleeds, and dehydration are common issues from high levels of the toxic chemical. Even ingesting a small amount can lead to poisoning.

    Swallowing a large amount of paraquat can be fatal. Severe symptoms can begin instantly, such as:

    • Fast heart rate
    • Seizures
    • Weak muscles
    • Confusion
    • Respiratory failure
    • Coma

    If you inhale the herbicide, you might experience symptoms, such as:

    • Lung scarring
    • Liver failure
    • Acute kidney failure
    • Pulmonary edema
    • Respiratory failure

    If you develop any symptoms of paraquat poisoning or believe you have been exposed, go to the hospital. A doctor can examine you and check your blood or urine for the presence of the chemical. Without prompt and adequate treatment, exposure to paraquat can be fatal.

    Possible Link Between Parkinson’s Disease and Paraquat Exposure

    The toxic nature of paraquat is indisputable. However, researchers haven’t been able to conclude that a causal relationship between paraquat and Parkinson’s disease exists. Multiple studies have found a possible link, but the results can’t conclusively determine whether Parkinson’s disease can develop from paraquat exposure.

    One particular study funded partly by the National Institutes of Health showed an increased risk of farmers developing Parkinson’s from paraquat applications. Another study from Unified Parkinson’s Advocacy Council also found a 600 percent increased risk of the disease in people using paraquat and a common pesticide.

    Common Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

    Parkinson’s disease is a disorder of the nervous system. Typically, it affects movement first. Symptoms are often gradual and become more noticeable over time. The most common signs of Parkinson’s disease include:

    • Hand tremors
    • Slurred speech
    • Slow movement
    • Trouble writing
    • Reduced ability to blink, smile, and complete other unconscious movements
    • Rigid muscles
    • Posture and balance changes

    Various complications can lead to issues, such as:

    • Constipation
    • Difficulty swallowing
    • Changes in mood and depression
    • Bladder problems
    • Sleeping disorders
    • Impaired cognitive functioning

    If you believe your symptoms are due to paraquat poisoning or exposure, call Tamaki Law for a free consultation. We could help you pursue legal action against the manufacturer.

    Compensation for Complications of Paraquat Exposure


    You could join a mass tort lawsuit to seek compensation for the losses you suffered, such as:

    • Out-of-pocket expenses
    • Medical bills
    • Emotional distress
    • Lost wages
    • Lost earning capacity
    • Pain and suffering
    • Loss of enjoyment of life

    A mass tort case involves multiple people injured by the omission or act of the same party. Each person can pursue compensation from the defendant in a single legal action. Mass torts must include multiple plaintiffs with the same or similar injuries.

    You might be entitled to compensation in a wrongful death lawsuit if your family member died from complications of paraquat poisoning, such as Parkinson’s disease.

    The losses you could seek compensation for include:

    • Funeral and burial costs
    • The value of lost household services the deceased would have provided to the family if they survived
    • Final medical bills related to Parkinson’s or another adverse medical problem
    • Loss of affection, training, love, companionship, or care provided by the deceased
    • Lost financial support the deceased could have contributed if they were alive

    Contact Us

    Since 1994, Tamaki Law has fought for clients harmed by the wrongdoings of manufacturing companies. We will advocate for your rights and aggressively pursue the maximum compensation you deserve when you hire us. You can count on our legal team to put our skills and experience to work for you to hold the paraquat manufacturer liable.

    You will receive dependable representation and guidance from start to finish of the legal process. Our litigators are familiar with state laws and the complexities of mass tort cases. We will treat you as a priority and remain in your corner until the end.

    If you developed Parkinson’s disease and believe you have been exposed to paraquat, call Tamaki Law at (800) 801-9564 immediately. You can meet with one of our paraquat mass tort lawsuit attorneys to learn whether you’re eligible to join a mass tort case against the manufacturer.