Accidents involving motor vehicles, pedestrians, bicycles, and motorcycles can cause injuries and fatalities to the victims. In 2019, 519 people died in traffic crashes in Washington. These accidents commonly occur due to human error, such as driver distractions, failure to yield the right of way, and unsafe lane changes.

Drivers are supposed to obtain special licensing and complete training before operating a commercial truck. Large trucks, such as tractor-trailers, are massive. They’re much larger and heavier than passenger vehicles. They also cause more significant destruction and injuries in accidents. Violating any federal regulations could result in a devastating crash, harming the occupants of small cars.

Washington law defines wrongful death as a death caused by another person’s neglect, wrongful act, or default. Preventable accidents, such as car accidents, medical malpractice, and occupational hazards, can lead to fatalities.

the Government
if you suffered injuries in a collision caused by a government employee, you could file a lawsuit against the government entity that employees that driver.

Dogs attack people for many reasons. You could seek compensation from the owner if you were lawfully in a private place or on public property and didn’t do anything to provoke the attack.

Medical malpractice happens when a healthcare professional, such as a doctor, physician’s assistant, or nurse, causes a patient’s injury or death due to their negligent actions. They might have failed to inform their patient of the risks associated with a surgical procedure or administered the wrong medication.

& Assault
Anyone could become the victim of sexual assault or abuse. The perpetrator is often a trusted individual or organization, such as a teacher, clergy member, or doctor. Survivors can pursue compensation for their losses by filing a lawsuit against their abuser and the entity negligent in allowing the abuse to occur or failing to stop it.

The U.S. Constitution protects the rights of every citizen. You should not face discrimination at work, abuse in a nursing home, or misconduct by law enforcement. Any violation of your civil rights could allow you to hold the at-fault party liable and seek compensation for your injuries.

Insurance companies are supposed to place the interests of their policyholders over their own interests. However, when they violate the Insurance Fair Conduct Act, the insured could face unfair treatment that unnecessarily delays their claim, leads to a denied claim, or results in a much lower settlement than they deserve. In addition, if you need help dealing with all the paperwork that goes with filing an insurance claim of any sort, we can help.

and Fall Accidents
When you’re a guest on another person’s commercial or residential property, you assume there aren’t hazards that could cause an injury. Unfortunately, some property owners fail to perform the necessary maintenance and repairs to keep people safe.

Site Injuries
Construction workers face dangerous conditions every day. They operate heavy machinery, handle toxic substances, and work at great heights. If they suffer an injury while performing their job duties, they could file a claim with their employer’s workers’ compensation insurer. If a person who was visiting the construction site is injured through no fault of their own, they may be able to hold the property owner or construction company liable.

Cyclists deserve to be on the road just as much as cars do. Unfortunately, many drivers don’t understand this and fail to look out for bikers. If you were hit by an automobile while riding your bike, you may be able to seek compensation for your medical bills and other expenses.

Sustaining a brain injury can have serious, lifelong consequences. Brain injury victims can hold the person who harmed them accountable for the lasting damage they have been made to endure.

Burns can require long, painful medical interventions to cure. Some scars resulting from a burn injury can never fully heal. Our burn injury lawyers can help you fight for the compensation you need to get important medical care after being injured.

Spinal cord injuries can lead the permanent loss of mobility in a victim’s arms, legs, or both. This obviously can have a dramatic impact on their life, and necessitates various forms of assistance, many of which are expensive. We can help you get the help you need by holding the responsible party accountable for its actions.

Drivers often fail to stop at crosswalks or to look out for pedestrians at intersections. When a vehicle strikes a pedestrian, even at relatively low speeds, the potential for severe injuries is quite high.

Motorcycles are fun and liberating to ride, but don’t offer the same degree of protection cars do should something go wrong. As a result, individuals driving in cars should make an effort to be cautious when sharing the road with motorcyclists. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen.